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Tropaeolum Majus

Jewel Mixture

Nasturtium is an annual herbaceous plant from South Central America.

It is an easy-going and versatile flower that blooms in abundance all summer long, even in a pot from which it will escape exuberantly.


Its trumpet-shaped flowers and pretty round leaves adorn the borders or any medium available to them with an exotic note.

It grows easily everywhere: it is the ideal plant for novice gardeners and children!

Measuring about 5 cm in diameter they can be colored  yellow, red and orange.


The leaves as well as the flowers of the nasturtium are edible.


Nasturtium is a plant that cannot stand frost. You have to wait until May to sow it directly outside.

At night the temperatures should not be lower than 10 degrees.

Indoors or in a greenhouse, planting can begin as early as March. You can continue sowing and planting until July.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

You can also sow directly in the ground from mid-May but flowering will take place much later which is a shame for an annual plant.


Although it can grow in many types of soil, nasturtium prefers light, humus-rich ones.

A place in full sun guarantees the production of numerous flowers.

In partial shade it will grow well, but produce more stems and leaves.

Do not fertilize the soil, in too fertile soil the nasturtium also produces leaves to the detriment of flowers.


The nasturtium is sown in pockets. Whether in a pot or directly in the ground, the principle is the same.

Plant your seeds in pockets of 4 seeds 2cm deep.

Outside, space your pockets at least 30cm from each other.

Cover with soil, tamp and hold the moist soil until emergence.


After the seedlings have a few leaves, keep only the prettiest in each location.

If you are growing nasturtium in pots, transplant each plant individually into containers at least 20cm in diameter.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Nasturtium attracts aphids. It may therefore be wise to place two or three feet that you will plant near your vegetable garden,

in order to attract aphids to them and not to your vegetables.


Remove yellowed leaves and faded flowers for new ones to sprout.

In regions with a mild climate the nasturtium is a perennial that will reseed itself.

In other regions it will die at the first frost.


A seedling (sowing) | A plant (plant)

When you sow seeds you get seedlings.

Seedlings are made in small pots indoors (or in a greenhouse outdoors).

Once the plant has grown sufficiently, several weeks later, we speak of a plant that we can put in the ground.

to complete its growth.

When and how to seed?

Most of the seeds are made between February and April, when nature awakens. Planting is usually done at this time.

Sow your seeds in small containers placed inside (or in a greenhouse outside), in the light, with a soil always slightly moist. You will then see your plants appear.

When outdoor temperatures are above 10 degrees at night, you can place your plants directly in the ground.


NOTE: When the temperature allows it, you can also sow directly in the ground (without sowing inside),

however this will delay flowering, since you will not be able to do this step before May-June, depending on the region

and the vagaries of the weather.


To sow in pots/pockets: Place several seeds in a hole.

Broadcast sowing: Spread the seeds as homogeneously as possible over the entire surface to be sown.

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